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时间:2012/9/8 10:37:50   作者:admin   来源:空气能网   阅读:1904   评论:0
内容摘要:Six New England States Launch Regional Renewable Energy Initiative Published Aug 2012

Aug. 24, 2012

BURLINGTON, Vt. -- The New England Governors’ Conference has passed a resolution to launch a coordinated regional procurement program for renewable energy. The governors of six states - Connecticut,Maine, Massachusetts,New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont - have agreed to release a request for proposal (RFP) in 2013 for a “significant amount of renewable energy.


The resolution charges The New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE) with developing and implementing a work plan on behalf of the New England Governors that will result in the release of a renewable energy RFP. NESCOE will convene a procurement team from each state that will finalize the details of the competitive regional procurement over the course of the next year.


This concept has been successfully used on the state level. For example, Massachusetts has its own version of a competitive procurement for renewable energy in The Green Communities Act, which requires utilities to enter into long-term contracts with the developers of renewable energy projects in order to help them obtain financing.



佛蒙特州,伯灵顿 ——新英格兰州长会议已经通过了一项发起可再生能源区域协调采购计划的决议。六州的州长——康乃迪克州,缅因州,马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔,罗德岛州和佛蒙特州——已经同意在2013年发布一个“大量可再生能源”的意见请求书。 



标签:proposal into resolution 可再生能源 新英格兰 

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